Months of planning gone in a whirlwind of memories.
A long, long time ago the hands of fate and the eyes of destiny set into motion the inevitable, the diabolical, the abominable, the beautiful, the phantasmagorical... The Shirley's version 2.0. (no substitutes K.C.)
The wedding itself was a success. The weeks leading up to, on the other hand, not so much. 3 speeding tickets, car broke down twice, sold said car, cant contact reception venue, unexpected bills, girly drama, screwed out of selling an apartment contract 4 times, said apartment complex lost my passport...

Thanks to all those who put in so much time, energy, money, and love into making the wedding a success. We cant thank you enough.
The reception was just how we wanted it. It was fun... thats really it. Just friends and family hanging out with cool decorations and good music.
I want to thank sarah (and debbie) for the best birthday present ever in the history of ever. I wouldn't have even ever thought of it. Sarah spent months in preparation to have one Mr. Colby Stead come play at our reception. I was clueless. He, and his band, are my all time favorite musicians, hands down, no contest.

Cancun was absolutley wonderful. Most of the pics from the honeymoon are on my camera, so we'll have to throw those up later. It was super nice to have a few weeks off together from work to just sit and relax. We didnt do much... Watched alot of olympics, crashed a vespa (do not inquire on the details), went swimming, ate at McDonalds, laughed at alot of drunk people... and you know... stuff...